Thursday, April 11, 2013

Buddy Training Update, Bald Eagle Single Mom, Biking and Bird Watching Opportunity, A Three Year Old Helps at Nest, Technology and Critters

The Wildlife Center of Virginia has posted a training update for Buddy! I am always happy to hear any news about him. They have also included a new picture!

An Eagle nest near Cleveland lost the male of the pair, leaving a single Mom with three young in the nest. But a new male has come onto the scene and is trying to woo the Mom. Here's a story and video.

Biking that's for the birds! There is a 25-mile loop you can bike through at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge on Maryland's Eastern Shore. You can also opt for a 4 or 20-mile route. This looks like fun!

I found a story (with a picture) of an eagle nest that has a three year old helping out. From the story, it seems that there was a nearby nest that had a similar situation, and the writer speculates that maybe this is one of those offspring helping out. What an exciting and unusual situation! 

There are a lot of ways that technology has brought nature closer to us. From my own perspective, my whole world shifted when I discovered the Norfolk Eagle Cam. I had always enjoyed nature and birds. But I am now a crazy woman when it comes to Bald Eagles because of that cam. I also have a lot of friends because of a common interest in that nest. And now I have this blog. Here are several ways that "Technology Keeps Tabs on Critters."

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