Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bald Eagle Camellia's Location, Become a Member of the Norfolk Eagles Forum, Rhoda Gerig's Video, Bats

Camellia is still hanging out on the south-side.

We have opened up the Norfolk Eagles Forum for new registrations. You can register on Saturday or Sunday 9:30PM - 10:30PM EST. We have to restrict the time that people can register because of the spammers and bots who try to get in.

Rhoda Gerig got some incredible footage at one of her local nests. There are two youngsters in the nest. An intruder fledgling followed Dad into the nest. Dad was bringing a fish and the fledgling was hungry. He did get a meal. And he was asked to leave. Here's a link to Rhoda's post on the Forum, where you can read her comments and click a link to see her video.

Here's a conservation story about Bald Eagles and Bats in Pennsylvania. Bald Eagles have seen such conservation success and Bats are in such jeopardy now due to White Nose Syndrome. Hopefully, scientists will find ways to help the bat populations recover.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris! I'm so glad you landed on my blog. I've lived on Mackinac for 20 years now and despite not having cars, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
