Thursday, May 29, 2014

Berry College Fledgling Day 95, Nest Cam Round-up: Two Harbors, and Berry College Bluebird

This is my blog post for yesterday 5/28 when I was having connection problems.

Yesterday was day 95 for the Berry College Fledgling. When I first brought up the nest, it was to see one of the adults polishing off a fish -- here with the fish tail protruding from its mouth as the entire end of the fish was swallowed in one big last bite.

The eaglet came to the nest later on. I didn't see a parent arrive with a fish for her. It's ok. Bald Eagles don't eat every day in the wild.

A friend of mine asked me if the eaglet is like kids, coming home for food and laundry. It was a great question! Here's the answer I gave to her: Yep. Food and laundry. She is working on her flying and landing skills. She is spending time with her parents learning to forage. (Often, you will see the youngster fly into the nest with the parent, who has food. There’s a good chance that she was out with the parent, observing the catch.) Once she is confident in her skills, she will fly away. The parents will understand that she is gone when she stops coming to the nest for food, and they will stop bringing food to the nest. The parents will then go on and be eagles, (with or without each other) returning in the fall for nestorations for the next nesting season. It’s an awesome cycle to watch! Thanks for the question Diane!

The Two Harbors Eaglet is at that fun age! It's not all pancake-mode anymore (although there's still some of that.)

There's a lot of wingercizing now. There's sound at this nest and she is a talker, squeeing the whole time she's doing this.

Does it count as branching at this nest when she stands on the big stick that's lying across the nest? (Probably not...)

This was a bad hop-landing.

It was a big day at the Berry College Bluebird nest! Tada! We should continue to see an egg added each day until the clutch is complete. Then Mom should start incubating.

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