Wednesday, October 21, 2015

White-bellied Sea Eagles Day 77 Fledge!, Loch of the Lowes Osprey Tracking Update

SE16 fledged yesterday after I stopped watching that nest for the day. I just didn't expect a fledge so soon. I mean, we are in the window, but I didn't see any indication that SE16 was ready to take the leap. But then, she started showing indicators, like standing on the edge of the nest and looking like she had spotted somewhere to fly. Then she did a couple of false starts. She has really raced through the development milestones from branching to fledge! And SE15 hasn't even branched yet. Here's the video of the time leading up to fledging and her flying back and forth. SE16 Fledges (21:46):

The Loch of the Lowes folks have a new tracking update for FR3 and FR4 on their blog.

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