Monday, August 12, 2013

Okeanos Explorer 2013 Deep-sea Exploration -- More Screen Captures

Here's some more s'caps that I took on Sunday of the deep-sea exploration.

This is what happens when the ROV accidentally touches the silt. They were trying to maneuver to see something when suddenly clouds obscured it from view.

Hermit crab.
These next seven s'caps are of the same rock. These rocks are from glaciers. They'd see a rock and then zoom in on it and find all sorts of life making a home on/around the rock.


  1. Hi Chris. Wow, your images from the ocean are fascinating! Sorry I haven't commented in a while. Just busy with life. Not too busy to check in on your blog once or twice a day though!

    1. Thanks Cindi! I've got a bunch of pics to share still -- I'm really enjoying watching this deep-sea exploration!
