Friday, February 7, 2014

Bald Eagle NX Checked In, Bald Eagle Puddle at Northeast Florida Nest, Grey-headed Flying Foxes, Extreme Bumblebees, Russian Winter, Fossils in China, Bionic Hand, Giant Jellyfish, Coal Ash Spill in North Carolina

Bald Eagle NX checked in yesterday.

Look at this screen capture from the Northeast Florida Bald Eagle nest. Just a puddle of Bald Eagles with the two babies snuggled up to Mom. Too cute! She's such a good Mom.

Eggs are popping up at a bunch of nest cams. Let me know if you find a good cam to follow.

These Grey-headed Flying Foxes (megabats) were rehabilitated and released in Australia. Anti-bird netting used to protect fruit trees entangles thousands of birds a year.

Extreme Bumblebees can scale Mount Everest. It's cold and there are no flowers for them there. But it's pretty cool that they can adapt their flight to the thinner air.

It's time for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Here's what a real Russian winter looks like.

I like the pictures accompanying this news story about some fossils that have been found in China. There isn't some vague thing shown that you just have to believe is what they are telling you is a fossil. They are very clear and easy to see.

There is a new bionic hand that restores the sense of touch. Pretty amazing!

Check out this giant jellyfish that washed up in Australia. Are you thinking, "Don't touch it!" when you look at the picture?

There's a huge coal ash spill into North Carolina's Dan River. They aren't sure what the environmental consequences are. But it can't be good...

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