Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Berry College Fledgling Day 108 (Storm), Nest Cam Round-up: Berry College Bluebird (Videos), Hays, Two Harbors, and White Rock, Mom Duck Gets Police Escort, and Bald Eagle NX Checked In

Today was day 108 for the Berry College Bald Eagle. One of the adults landed on the nest this morning and B3 was only a minute behind. I hope she was out with the parent, learning how to forage for food. Here's some s'caps of her eating. In this first one, her tail is still flared a little, and her wings are spread a little -- part of mantling to protect the food.

Something stage left caught their attention:

There was a fierce storm at the college today. I captured video of some damage being done to the nest. (I thought the nest was going to come apart!) I included some video of Mom Berry College Bluebird riding out the storm in her nest box and the storm on radar as well as the eagle nest from both cams. Here's a link to the video (6:55).

I also grabbed a couple of videos of the Berry College Bluebird nest. This first one is Mom eyeballing the camera (1:57). And she takes a break and does a shimmy, shimmy back onto the eggs. The other video is Dad bringing Mom some food (0:28). She is greedy!

Two were up and one was down at the Hays nest this evening:

K43 at the Two Harbors nest was in pancake mode.

It was dinner time with the family at the White Rock nest. Dad is supervising Mom while she feeds the eaglets:

Here's a link to a video from a couple of miles from my house. A police officer helps Mom Duck and her babies cross 11 lanes of traffic! Way to go!

Bald Eagle NX checked in.

Spoiler alert! Did you watch the video of the Berry College Bald Eagle nest in the storm? If you haven't watched the video yet but want to, don't look any further! Here are before and after pictures showing what's different. It's weird -- there was an updraft that did the damage. Some sticks are gone. But others are higher than where they started. I tried to frame these two s'caps the same. It's amazing how some sticks that don't seem to be holding on by much are still there while others are rearranged or gone...

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