Monday, May 4, 2015

Berry College Eagles Day 80&82 Fledge Watch Continues, White Rock Eagles Day 14&15 Murder of Crows

The Berry College Eagles are ready to fledge! Look at this eaglet jumping around on the branches! Wow video (1:01). Fledge watch can really drag out. But I'm starting to think that it will be soon!

I have one other Berry College video from today. If you followed my blog last year, you know that there was a fish disaster last year. Here's a link to the Fish Disaster video. (7:04). Well, today, there was almost another fish disaster. Here's a link to the Almost Fish Disaster (1:29), or you can watch it below.

Here's my s'caps for the day.

These eaglets are losing their fear. This leap started way out on the branch behind the eaglet and it leaped all the way to the nest.

Hot eaglet...

I just think these are funny...

This is right before the "Wow" video above.

The eaglet on the left is complaining to the parent that the eaglet on the right isn't sharing their food... It looks like the parent is listening attentively.
The eaglet was given some time to try to self-feed. Still not very good at it. The parent ended up helping out. Both eaglets got pieces.

Must be something interesting up there.

Look at that mantle!

It was an interesting night at the White Rock nest. The nest was buzzed by a murder of crows. (A group of crows is called a murder.) I think that's why Dad came to the nest. Mom is going to break her neck watching Dad fly in!

I didn't know why Dad left so soon. Mom went on and fed the babies.

Dad came back only a few minutes later. And then it was obvious that they both saw something.
Upon a second review, I found I had missed this frame!

And then Dad ducked as a large bird flew by again. (This is right after two s'caps up.)

Another fly-by...

And another.

Pesky birds.

I guess the threat is over. Dad shakes to put his feathers right. Neither parent seemed overly concerned or gave chase. I think it was just a murder of crows buzzing the nest?

You can watch the video at this link to the Murder of Crows (2:20) video or watch it below.
That's all I've got time for tonight. It's 2:00AM...

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