Monday, September 2, 2013

Locations of Bald Eagles NX and Camellia, Big Fine For Cutting Down Tree With Bald Eagle Nest, Hummingbird Biology on Feathered Photography

Bald Eagle NX is still hanging out around Quantico. See her latest postition data.

Bald Eagle Camellia has returned from his latest little adventure. His latest position data is here.

So, this idiot calls a tree company to cut down a tree on his property. The tree has a Bald Eagle nest in it, so the company told him 'no' because of the nest. So, he calls another company, which cut down the tree. The guy got a big fat fine. Too bad it wasn't more! What a moron. Here's the story.

Ron Dudley has a post about Interesting Hummingbird Biology on his Feathered Photography blog.

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