Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pam Monahan's New Pictures Of Bald Eagle HK, Bald Eagle Camellia's Latest Location, Updates On (And Pictures Of) My Orchids

Pam Monahan has posted some new pictures of Bald Eagle HK. She's got a really neat picture where I first thought he was coming in for a landing. But he's looking up and if he was landing, his wings would be stretched out to slow him down. And he would be looking down, concentrating on sticking the landing. But with his wings in this position, he's trying to get a big stroke for some big lift. My final answer: He was taking off. Neat picture.

Bald Eagle Camellia is 32 miles away from his check-in point of three days ago. I think he's enjoying this beautiful weather!

I mentioned in my September 24th post that I've got a couple of Cattleya Orchids in sheath. It occurred to me to take some pictures! (My Orchids spend the summer outside in dappled shade. Some get more sun than others, depending on the type.)

About the two that are in sheath: I bought both of these Orchids online (years ago) and have never seen either bloom. So, I'm really excited! The sheath is that rounded bit coming up from the junction of the leaf with the stem. You can tell by the size of the sheath that a big bloom is on its way:

The other one is a Mini-Cattleya. They typically had two leaves per stem and the sheath comes from that juncture. The leaves and sheath are considerably smaller on a Mini-Catt. The bloom will also be smaller. But the blooms on both are supposed to be very fragrant, which is why I bought them. Something else to note: Each year, the leaves should get bigger than the previous year's leaves. I definately succeeded with this one! Which is why it's happy and giving me a flower!

I've also got a couple of other varieties putting up flower spikes. This is a Dendrobium, one of the easiest Orchids to get to rebloom. I've had quite a few of these rebloom. Some of them have flower spikes and some of them put out blooms along the stem, at each leaf junction. This kind has a spike. There's only one spike, but it's still a success for me!

And this is my Epidendrum with a flower spike. This is the first time I've gotten it to rebloom! 

I'll post pictures of them in bloom when they get there...


  1. Hi Chris. Your orchids are beautiful. I have a black thumb mostly. I'm hoping the current orchid I have makes it past the typical 3-month life span that indoor plants usually survive with me! So far, so good. Life has been more hectic than usual. One of my cockatiels has developed arthritis in her left foot as well as a lesion. She has been getting laser therapy every other day since last Saturday. Since the vet is about 20 miles from home and 25 miles from work, I left her there while making trips every other day to see her. I took yesterday off and brought her home for the weekend. All this while trying to keep my other cockatiel happy since she is home alone so much. On to something more positive...thanks to your blog, I remembered to order my Garden of Eagles calendar before the deadline! Take care Chris and thanks for continuing to blog! Cindi

    1. Wow Cindi! You do have a lot going on! I have considered getting a pet bird. But my research says that they are such social creatures that you need to make time for them every day. So, maybe when I'm retired I'll have time for a bird. I'm glad you got your calendar order in on time! Have you gotten a Garden of Eagles calendar in previous years? I think they are beautiful!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Chris, my first Garden of Eagles calendar was 2011 so this will be my 4th one. I am so grateful for the eagle paparazzi that make these calendars possible since they donate their photos. I cannot imagine not having one! They are so beautiful and worth every penny. Yes, cockatiels are very social creatures. These 2 are like my kids since I never had any. I have known a few retirees that got a pet bird when they retired. They are wonderful pets when healthy!

    Sorry, I needed to correct something so that's why I deleted the previous comment.

    1. I'm not even sure what the first year was that we made the calendar. Did you see any of my pictures? I don't have any in the 2014 calendar. No photo opportunities this past year... It is a beautiful calendar -- Debbi (Congowings) does such a wonderful job in all aspects of the calendar. Like you, my dogs are like my kids.
