Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Picture of Bald Eagles Dad Norfolk and DT (Dirty Tail), Honey Bee Invasion, Giant Hornets in China, Jellyfish Causing Problems, Amazing Flight of Swifts, Do Dogs Feel Emotions, Suriname: A Tropical Eden.

Mike posted a great picture of Bald Eagles Dad Norfolk and DT! They look great and I'm so happy to see them together. Hopefully they can weather this storm that the idiots on the Norfolk City Council are throwing their way.

How about a couple of bee stories? This woman had some honey bees living in her attic. Honey bees are suffering from colony collapse, so they had to try to evict them without killing them. And then there's Hornetgeddon! Look at these giant hornets causing problems in China! These are very aggressive hornets that have killed 42 and injured at least 1600. In the video, they are referred to as the sharks of the insect world. Yikes!

Jellyfish are causing Jellypocalypse! Look at the size of the jellyfish in that first picture.

Here is an amazing story about Swifts flying non-stop for 200 days! You read that right. Non-stop for 200 days. I didn't know that birds could "rest on the wing." I think this is just incredible!

There has been research to answer this question: Do dogs feel emotions? I don't need to do any research to answer this question. But it's still an interesting article...

I like reading about places where humans haven't gone in and destroyed what nature intended. Pristine places. Wild places. Check out Suriname: A Tropical Eden. And make sure you check out the slide show of animals that live there.


  1. when I click on the jellyfish. I get the hornets again.....thanks for your hard work

    1. Oops! I fixed it. Thanks for letting me know!

      And, you are very welcome.

  2. ahww...so good to see dad and DT together, thanx!

    1. Check my post for today (10/19). Mike Inman posted another picture of the pair!
