Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Africam Black Eagle Day 34, Dyfi Osprey Day 30,32&33, Harrison Bay Eagles Day 94&96, Loch of the Lowes Osprey Day 38,40&41, White-bellied Sea Eagle, White Rock Eagles Day 72&73, Raccoon Mom Teaches Her Baby

It looks like the Africam Black Eagle chick finally has feathers coming in. I see a couple of darker spots in the area where its wings meet its body.

You can see the observation building in the background at the Dyfi Osprey nest. They are in the running to receive lottery proceeds, which they will use to make some improvements.

Lots of s'caps of the Harrison Bay Fledglings today. One of the eaglets was on a distant perch.

Then there was a food delivery and everyone came running! What a cute face!

The parent didn't stick around for long.

But the eaglets hung out for a while.

HB8 was feeling very sleepy. You can see how its eyelid closes from the bottom up.

Then there was another food delivery.

It looks like they have found their perch for the night.

It looks like they've got their heads tucked under their wings and are settled in for the night.

I wanted to see a close-up of the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey chick's new bling, but a close-up of the parent is all we got while I was watching. There is a transmitter antenna visible on the chick laying in front of the adult.

It looks like something has caught their attention.

The babies are facing this way, too bad the parent isn't...

It's hard to get faces with all of the preening that they do.

Look at this beauty!

Dad came to the nest and brought a fish! It was a cause  for celebration!

Then Mom took the fish from Dad.

I thought Dad was going to incubate the eggs...

But he took off right toward the camera. Then Mom took off with the fish to enjoy her breakfast elsewhere.

Dad returned soon enough and settled in on the nest.

At the White Rock Eagle nest, I think it's considered to be branching when they have both feet on that branch...

Here's a link to an article about a Momma Raccoon teaching one of her babies to climb a tree. There's a great video included in the article.

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