Friday, January 24, 2014

Bald Eagle Camellia Checked In, Berry College Eagle Nest S'cap, Snowy Owls

Bald Eagle Camellia finally checked in. It just took some sunlight to recharge his solar-powered transmitter. Camellia's transmitter has been working for 1357 days. Bald Eagle Azalea's transmitter worked for 1397 days -- a couple of months shy of four years. It seems like Camellia's has a lot more outages than Azalea's did. If I remember right, she checked in like clockwork, until she didn't. Maybe she shed the transmitter and harness -- she was seen beaking at it. Maybe Camellia's will continue to work long enough that we can see patterns that indicate he has built a nest. I wish we had gotten that with Azalea... I hope that someone reports that they have spotted her!

This is an interesting pose for Mom Berry. Her head is almost tucked in. It makes me think that she started out tightly tucked in and then relaxed, like she's really getting some good sleep. I'm betting that Dad Berry is nearby.

My friend Diane sent me a link to a local story about the Snowy Owl Irruption. They are all over the place and I can't seem to find one! Here's a quote by Ned Brinkley from the story, regarding the need for people to keep far enough away from wildlife that the animal isn't disturbed: "It does come down to common sense, which is not equally distributed in the human population." Haha, he's got that right! Anyway, Snowy Owls seem to be all over the place. Mocking me...

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