Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bald Eagle HK, Snowy Owl Irruption, Life on Mars?, Treatment of Cows, Organic Milk, Dinosaur Poop, Cold-weather Cockroaches

Pam Monahan has a couple of new blog posts about her observations of Bald Eagle HK. On 1/3 she got pics of HK and the banded female. Then on 1/4 she got a nice series of pics of HK. I anticipate fireworks when the Osprey try to return to their nest...

Project SNOWstorm is a research effort to learn more about the Snowy Owls that have ventured south this winter. This is the biggest event of this nature in decades!

The rover team has found an ancient lake on Mars that could have held life. They don't mean the "we come in peace"-shake-your-hand kind of life, but the microbial kind. But still...

DiGiorno dumps cheese supplier after shown an undercover video of how the cows are treated. The video is included. Don't watch it if you are sensitive. The story says the video contains "alleged abuse" of the animals. I guess they have to use the word "alleged" for legal reasons... I'm glad that DiGiorno did the right thing!

Sometimes, organic is better for you than regular. So is the case with organic milk. And if you are still going to stay with regular milk, whole milk is better for you than reduced fat or skim milk. I have been using 2% for years, but am rethinking that now...

Wouldn't you think there should be mountains of dinosaur poop? Scientists think that they can now answer that burning question: Where is all of the dinosaur poop? -- thanks to a cockroach that perished mid-poop and was preserved in amber.

Speaking of cockroaches... Cold-weather cockroaches have been found in New York.

I want to thank everyone that follows my blog. We hit 10,000 page views today!

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