Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Berry College Bald Eagle Nest, Pet Poisoning With Marijuana, Japanese Kill Dolphins, Polar Bear Twins, Mystery Martian Rock

I caught Mom Berry with her head tucked in this morning. This is not an unusual pose over-night. But I was surprised to see her this zonked out during the day. Dad Berry must have been nearby keeping watch for her to be this relaxed. The web site for this cam is reporting that an egg was laid on 1/14 and the second on 1/16. (I didn't see a second egg until 1/17...) There's no mention of a third egg, although I haven't seen into the nest bowl for a few days.

Marijuana poisoning is on the rise among pets. Marijuana is much more accessible with the recent laws passed allowing its use either medically or recreationally. The danger isn't just with the actual marijuana. Pets can be injured or killed if they eat your edibles or drink your bong water. So if you partake, please be careful.

Japanese fishermen killed at least 30 dolphins. This is an annual hunt. They claim that they aren't doing anything wrong -- that it's part of their culture to eat dolphin meat. But they hide behind tarps to do their dirty work. People don't normally hide to do something unless they feel they are doing something wrong. How could an advanced society do something so barbaric?

Here's a super cute video of polar bear twins opening their eyes for the first time. I love how they interact!

The Mars Rover found a mysterious rock. The interesting part is that the rover took a picture a couple of weeks earlier, and the rock wasn't there. So, where did it come from?

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