The Fort St Vrain nest has some snow. I saw the temp was 16⁰F. Ouch! There's some smudge on the cam, but this shows the snow and that it's feeding time.

Ron Dudley posted on his Feathered Photography blog about his dislike of baiting in order to get pictures of wildlife. He pointed out a story on his blog that I am also going to point out here. This makes the point that wildlife needs to keep it's distance from humans because of morons like one in this story. Here's a story and video of some paramotorist idiot chasing and twice kicking a migratory bird. There is evidence that the idiot is Dell "Super Dell" Schanze, whoever that is. If he's well-known, it's in different circles than the ones I pay attention to. I hope they can prove who did this and that he gets to spend some time in jail and pay a hefty fine for this behavior. This story does point out the importance of not doing things that cause wildlife to become accustomed to being around humans. There are idiots like this that think it's funny to harass wildlife if they can get close enough.
One of my eagle friends, Lola, sent me this link. It's a video of a moon rise. That may sound ho-hum. But you want to watch this! Read the explanation and turn on your speakers. Thanks Lola!
Good news if you ordered one of the T-Shirts for Buddy's 5th Birthday. They are being shipped!
I don't know what a fishing snare is. But I found this story of a family that had a Bald Eagle that got caught in their fishing snare when it went after their live bait. One of the quick-thinking family members googled what to do and they made sure the Eagle was free of the snare instead of sending it on its way while still tangled up or hooked. The video isn't too great, but you get the idea...
YouTube has a channel called The Pet Collective. You can watch a live stream of puppies, cats, or a Bald Eagle nest with three bobbleheads. Also available are uploaded videos of puppies and cats.
The Wildlife Center of Virginia has posted an update for the Gloucester Bald Eagle, #13-0283. This Bald Eagle is very feisty! Which is usually a good sign. Maybe we will be seeing an Eagle release in Gloucester soon!
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