Saturday, April 20, 2013

Eagles4Kids Nest, Valdez Alaska, Boolie's Blog

There is an announcement at the Eagles4Kids Nest Cam web site that the season is over. The egg is gone. It never hatched and now it is gone. I'm not sure what happened to the egg. It disappeared on day 42, and it should have hatched around day 35. If you remember, this is the nest with Lucy, who showed up at the nest this year with injured feet. The right one was severly injured and she lost most of the foot. Everyone was amazed and cheering for this couple when Lucy laid an egg this year. She has been an inspiration for people with disabilities. I look forward to watching Lucy and Larry next year.

Here's some pictures and videos from someone's trip to Valdez, Alaska. Bald Eagles all over the place! I hope to go to Alaska one day!

I found a photo gallery of Bald Eagles by Rick Cameron. The last Bald Eagle on this page has some very unusual coloring. I'm not sure if it's leucistic or not. The feathers on its back and wings aren't white, but they aren't dark brown either... He has an interesting blog (Boolie's Blog) and you can also look at his other pictures, ranging from wildlife to places to pets and more.

1 comment:

  1. What a rascal! Like you, I couldn't find him in a couple of pictures. Amusing to try, though.
