Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Speculation About How Bald Eagles pick a Mate, NX and Camellia's locations, Pictures of Buddy, Screen Caps of Harrison Bay, NCTC, and Sooner Lake Nests.

Here's speculation based upon the four Bald Eagles that I know the most about: Azalea, Camellia, NX, and HK. Azalea and NX are females and Camellia and HK are males. So far, the females are wandering around, while the males are already showing the areas that they like. Camellia has spent a lot of time at Brown's Cove and HK has already built a nest at Honey Bee Golf Course. I am venturing a guess based upon this limited sampling that the male stakes out a territory when they approach breeding age and then females find the male/territory/nest that they like. Usually in birds, the male attracts the female with his pretty plumage. Since male and female Bald Eagles have the same plumage, the males need to find another way to attract a mate. Maybe they do it with a nice nest/territory...

NX checked in yesterday. She is still on Aquia Creek.

Camellia checked in today. You've all heard of a pub crawl? He's on a landfill crawl...

Here are more pictures from the Jack Hanna Experience and Reception, where Buddy was on hand as a wildlife ambassador. He looks so good. A little dirty still for a 5 year old. And I'm still waiting for his eyes to lighten. I asked Ed Clark about this once and he said that sometimes birds in captivity don't always get the full adult plumage. Something about being in captivity...

Some screen caps! Harrison Bay nest:

NCTC nest, a little drizzle and the youngsters are trying to stay dry under Mom. But they are a little too big now!

Sooner Lake nest:

The Blackwater cam is out of commission right now.

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