Soon they were up...
...and off.
The perch above is the perch that can be seen behind the nest. In the below s'cap, it's in the center of the s'cap.
This is a good time to watch this nest, with a bunch of take-offs and landings.
Brenig (W3) must have been tired after his first flights, because he then spent a long time in the nest.
But even Brenig was practicing his flying skills today.
The baby in the nest flares its wings when one of its siblings comes in for a landing.
Dad brought a huge chunk of grass to the nest.
The three fledglings posed for some s'caps.
Here's a video from the Dyfi nest today. Watching Celyn's Antics was a fun few minutes today (2:21).
All the babies were in the nest today at the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey nest.
I'm not sure what I'm seeing here at the White Rock Eagles nest. It looks like the foundation for a Bald Eagle nest. There's some branches giving a bit of a nest shape and some chain link providing a bottom. But this doesn't look like the remnants of the nest they used last year. Anybody know what/where this is? I know it's in the vicinity of the nest because the cam is able to view it. But that's about all I know...
One of the babies was perched nearby. There was a branch in the way...

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