Friday, July 31, 2015

Africam Black Eagle Day 64, Dyfi Osprey Day 60,62&63, Harrison Bay Eagles Day 124&126 Blue Moon, Loch of the Lowes Osprey Day 68,70&71, Soddy Daisy Bluebirds Day 3&4, White-bellied Sea Eagle

The Africam Black Eagle chick and Mom were sleeping and I thought I was out of luck. But then the baby stood up and I was able to get a s'cap. I couldn't get the cam to come up this morning, so all I've got is an infrared s'cap from tonight...

It looks like it was a beautiful day at the Dyfi Osprey nest. Two babies were on the nest when I check in, with the one on the left eating a fish.

I could only roll back the Harrison Bay Eagle nest video back 3 hours and during that time, nobody came to the nest. At one point we were shown the pretty view.

Grass is growing in the nest!

Tonight is a blue moon! So cool that it's on the cam! A blue moon is when you have two full moons in the same month. We had a full moon on July 2nd. So, tonight's full moon is a 'blue moon'. We get a blue moon every few years. August of 2012 was the last blue moon. Enjoy it!

I only saw one of the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey today. I don't see an antenna, so I'm thinking this must be FR2.

The Soddy Daisy Bluebird nestlings aren't doing much at this point besides sleeping, flopping about to a new position, eating and pooping.
 Here's a Food & Poop video from today (1:12):

The White-bellied Sea Eagles enjoyed a beautiful day today. Their lives are getting ready to get busy! I'm going to start watching for hatch on 8/4, even though they say later...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Africam Black Eagle Day 63, Dyfi Osprey Day 59,61&62, Harrison Bay Eagles Day 123&125, Loch of the Lowes Osprey Day 67,69&70, Soddy Daisy Bluebirds Day 2&3, White-bellied Sea Eagle Incubation Continues, White Rock Eagles Day 101&102 Nest Is GONE!, Doggy Push-ups, Bald Eagle and Red-tailed Hawk Calls

I was home this morning and was able to get some good views of the Africam Black Eagle chick. There was a big stretch before standing up.

I love the leggings on these birds!

Potty break...
Being shy.

The flight feathers on the wing are coming in great!

Here's all three Dyfi Osplets in the nest.

Then one-by-one, they took off.

One of the Harrison Bay Eaglets was at the nest this afternoon.

The Eaglet did a call that started to sound like an adult calling. It's like the Eaglet is going through Puberty (1:30):

This is the same Eaglet, hiding in the shadows...

There were quite a few comings and goings at the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey nest today.

I think they are enjoying their new-found freedom.

And with this departure, the nest is empty.

The Soddy Daisy Bluebirds are just hairy blobs at this stage. They aren't being brooded much during the day, probably because the temps are so warm. That allows Mom to go foraging for food for her babies.

It's less than a week for hatch watch at the White-bellied Sea Eagle nest. I'm so eggcited I can hardly stand it! The White-bellied Sea Eagle chick is the cutest thing ever! For now, incubation continues...

Nobody was home at the White Rock Eagle nest today, but the light was pretty and the nest was... GONE! It has been falling apart. And last year a lot of the nest fell away. But now it is completely GONE!!!

We will have to see what next year brings...

Check out this video that somebody posted of a dog working out with its owner. It is the cutest thing! (0:39)

A lot of people don't know what a Bald Eagle sounds like because so many times (in commercials and movies and TV shows) the scream of a Red-tailed Hawk is dubbed in. Here's an article about it and you can play a video of each bird calling. Play the videos! Way cool!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Africam Black Eagle Day 62, Dyfi Osprey Dat 58,60&61, Harrison Bay Eagles Day 122&124, Loch of the Lowes Osprey Day 66,68&69, Soddy Daisy Bluebird Day 1&2, White-bellied Sea Eagle Morning Duet, White Rock Eagles Day 100&101

The Africam Black Eagle chick is changing day-by-day. I've never seen one of these chicks feather out before. It looks like it's got a lighter color feather for its first year...

Mom was on the back perch at the Dyfi Osprey nest. It's interesting, seeing the people inside the observation building. Looks like a nice place to visit.

Both parents could be seen perched in the tree across the way at the Harrison Bay Eagle nest. HB7 is there too, just not as obvious.

Until we get wings up for a screaming flight to the nest.

HB7 flies past the parents and they watch the whole way.

The camera jiggled a little when the Eaglet landed. Here is an extreme close-up of wing.

Nothing in the nest for you...

We got a beautiful silhouette.

This is where HB7 is spending the night.

At the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey nest, one of the transmittered chicks was at the nest. This is either FR3 or FR4 since it has an antenna coming off of its back.

When I got up this morning, the third baby had hatched at the Soddy Daisy Bluebird nest.

The fourth hatched before I left for work.

Instinct tells them to do one thing:

Something swooped down at the White-bellied Sea Eagle nest. You can see the wing at the top of this s'cap.

Mom and Dad went into a Morning Duet when this happened (1:22):

The White Rock Eaglets were both at the nest this evening. I suppose they were both hungry and hoping for some food...

They both eventually gave up and flew away. Here's the one that had been perched right by the nest taking off from its perch.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Africam Black Eagle Day 61, Harrison Bay Eagles Day 121&123, Loch of the Lowes Osprey Day 65,67&68, Soddy Daisy Bluebirds Day 1 Two Babies Hatched!, Details About Bob Anderson's Death

I got a good s'cap of the Africam Black Eagle chick this morning, in the nest with Mom.

It was a good day to watch the Harrison Bay Eagle nest. The Fledglings spent quite a bit of time at the nest today.

The was a food delivery with the requisite rush by an Eaglet to claim the meal.

HB7 claimed the fish!

But then HB8 came in and stole it!

And ate it!

HB8's eyelid is halfway closed. It comes up from the bottom.

They look a little creepy when their eyes are closed.

This was a very graceful poop shoot.

It looks like one of the Eaglets is spending the night in the nest tree.

I had a hard time getting cams up this morning. I think my internet connection is starting to have problems again. This is all I got at the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey nest today. This is either FR3 or FR4, because it has an antenna.

 Two of the Soddy Daisy Bluebirds hatched today, right on time.

They come out begging for food!

Hatch #2 begging for food while #1 is resting.
Mom cleans up the shells by eating them. The two babies are in face-plant mode, resting. Hatching is hard work!

I posted video of the First and Second Hatch (12:46):

I found an article about the death of Bob Anderson. It says he was recently diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation. He was on his way to see his doctor when he collapsed and died. Here's a link to the article.