Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bald Eagle Patriot of Turtle Bay Died Following Battle With An Intruder, Buffet for Bald Eagles, Pelican Harbor Bald Eagles, Cat/Cop Rescue, Bats, Roll and Shelf Clouds, Property Maintenance Workshop, Washington State, Amazing Birds, Bald Eagles at Duluth Airport

More sad news for the Turtle Bay nest, home of Bald Eagles Patriot and Liberty. If you remember, this is the nest where an intruder ran off the resident male (Patriot) and ate both hatchlings. The intruder would look roughed up (a couple of times) probably from doing battle with Patriot. But Patriot returned in early April. It is now being reported that Patriot died following a fight with another eagle. This may be the same intruder eagle that is trying to take over the nest. My heart goes out to the people that follow this nest. It has been a rough year... 

Here's a video of a bunch of Bald Eagles in a parking lot. I don't know what's in the back of that truck (I think it's fish), but it must be yummy! And this is in Alaska, so you know there are some Bald Eagles waiting to take advantage of a situation!

I found a video of the Pelican Harbor Bald Eagles wrestling with a stick. The video is from 2008, but it's so funny -- right from the crash landing at the start -- I thought it's worth posting now. I think this is cooperative nest building. But I'm not going to emphasize the word 'cooperative' when it comes to these two!

This sounds like I'm telling a joke. A cat goes up the tree and needs help getting down. So the nice police officer goes up the tree to rescue the cat and he needs help getting down. Here's the story.

I like bats. What can I say... When I move to Maryland, I'm going to put in some bat houses.

I've never heard of roll clouds or shelf clouds. I think I'd be a little freaked out if I saw either of these coming at me if I didn't know what was going on. But having seen these pictures and read the explanations, I'll be ok if I ever see roll clouds or shelf clouds in the future. This reminds me of a time I was on ship (in the Navy). We were underway and we went into a line of... I don't know what it was. It was like a line of clouds that stretched all the way from the sky to the water and as far as the eye could see in either direction. It was just a wall of cloud and we went right into it. It just looked like a heavy fog while we were in it. The ship had to set the 'low visibility detail' and after a little while we steamed right out of it. And it looked like a wall of clouds on the other side. Very bizarre.

An interesting workshop is being offered by the City of Hampton:

Learn about the right of inspection, paint, gutters, grass and zoning codes as part of a property maintenance workshop presented by Hampton 101 and the Hampton Community Development Department. Thursday, May 16 from 6-8 p.m. at the Ruppert Sargent Building, 1 Franklin St. To register or for more information go to www.hampton.gov/learn or call 727-8311.

The recovering Bald Eagle population is wreaking havoc on Great Blue Herons in Washington State.

Massachusetts has conducted its first Bald Eagle nesting survey.

Here's a slideshow, set to music, of 'Amazing Birds You Probably Didn't Know Exist'.

A pair of Bald Eagles locked in battle fell onto an airport's runway in Duluth, Minn. The eagles were removed from the runway before aircraft could strike them. If you remember, the Norfolk Bald Eagles were on the runway at the Norfolk airport. Instead of getting them off of the runway, they had a plane land on the runway, which struck and killed Mom Norfolk. The Norfolk airport was completely negligent in having a plane come in, knowing that there were Bald Eagles on the runway. But I digress... Good job to the folks at the Duluth airport!

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