Monday, May 20, 2013

Dog pictures

I took some new pictures of my dogs the other day. The smaller Sheltie (Sky) and the Belgian Malinois (Daisy) fight. So, they are not allowed to be physically together. Ever. But I made an exception this past weekend because I wanted a new picture of the three of them and my azaleas were so pretty. So I put the two troublemakers on short leashes, put them in place with the other Sheltie (Shannon) between them, and took some pictures. Well, I took 35 pictures. Do you know how hard it is to get three dogs to look at you at the same time? And not blink... (them, not me...)

I took some pictures from right in front of them. But I moved my location because they kept looking across the street at a neighbor who was in his yard. I like this picture because they are all looking 'toward' me. But Sky's body is hidden by Shannon.

I like this picture that I took from head-on. Except Daisy is winking at me...

I think I need to take more pictures... But it will be another year before the azaleas are that pretty again... What do you think?


  1. Beautiful dogs and lovely flowers... it must be hard to have dogs that you have to keep apart! (kdg)

    1. kdg... (I'm going to have to figure out who kdg is...) Thanks! I too think that they are beautiful! Yes, it is difficult. They draw blood and try to kill each other. Seriously. And I've gotten bitten three times breaking them up. The problem is that they never settled dominance. Shannon just goes belly up. But Daisy and Sky go at it! I have a kennel in my living room, some dog crates and a baby gate. We make it work... Some people don't understand that they are my family. We have our issues, but we find ways to make it work! Thanks for the comment!
