Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Camellia's Location, Wind Turbines: Replacing Bald Eagle Nests, How Wind Turbines Kill Birds, Placement of Wind Turbines to Minimize Impact on Bird Populations

Camellia checked in overnight. He is still hanging out on the south-side:

The next three entries are about wind turbines for production of electrical energy:

Nextera wind project removed a tree with a Bald Eagle nest so they could proceed with installing some wind turbines. There is a current article about Nextera putting in replacement platforms for the Bald Eagles. The displaced pair did select one of the platforms and another pair is checking out another platform. I am intrigued by the "if you build it, they will come" aspect of this story...

I found this article about how wind turbines kill birds. It covers how many birds are estimated to be killed by wind turbines per year. There is a picture of a technician working up near the blades that gives an idea of how massive these turbines are. I do like alternative energy. I just hope that they can find a way to make wind turbines less deadly to birds.

There is a video of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario discussing the impact of wind turbines on birds and bats. Figures are presented regarding number of birds killed by buildings, power lines and domestic cats, as well as wind turbines. He recommends placing wind turbines away from 'important bird areas' and migration routes to minimize the impact on bird populations.

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