Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dyfi Osprey Day 9,11&12, Harrison Bay Eagles Day 73&75, Loch of the Lowes Osprey Day 17,19&20, White Rock Eagles Day 51&52 Ptooey

 One of the Dyfi Osplets popped out from under Mom's wing.

A quick adjustment of her wing and the baby was protected again.

 One of the Harrison Bay Eaglets figure out that it could leap from the Y branch on the left to the Y branch on the right.

It did some wingercizing.

It did some leaping back and forth during the course of the day.

The other Eaglet tried to see how far out on the branch it could go.


They perched together on the bouncy branch. They kept looking up at one of the parents that was perched above them.

Then they watched as the parent flew past and away.
I'm ready for my close-up!

This is the last leap before dark.

We were treated to some really pretty silhouettes.

The Osplets at the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey nest are venturing out of the nest bowl. When I first brought up the cam, one was so far out on the edge I caught my breath. I don't have a s'cap of that because my capture crashed...

They are starting to stretch their wings.

After feeding the babies, Dad came in and took away the nestovers.

Such good manners at meal times.

Here's a big wing/leg stretch at the White Rock nest.

There was a funny moment today at the nest. Check out the Ptooey video (0:13).

It's so hard to tell if one of the White Rock chicks is bigger than the other.

Pretty morning!

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