I could ID all three Dyfi Osprey fledglings today by their bands. Here's a fledgling on the nest perch, and in the nest and either the other fledgling or Dad on the back perch.
Can't tell who this is on the nest perch...
Here's W2, Celyn.
One of the Osplets didn't want to be disturbed while eating when the one on the nest perch hopped into the nest, so it took the fish and flew to the low perch.
And we can see that it's W1, Merin.
And here's W3, Brenig, having flown from the nest to the tall perch. They are all looking good.
The Magpies visited the nest again today. They must know that Osprey are not a threat.
One of the fledglings arrived in the nest just ahead of Dad, who was bringing a fish.
They were all in the nest area when it got dark.
The Harrison Bay Eagle parents spent the night in the nest tree again.
Mom is on the left, bigger than Dad.
The infrared cam turned off this morning and you know they aren't staying around much longer after that.

They spent the day away from the nest tree and returned in the evening for another night. Here's a video of Mom & Dad talking in the morning and again in the evening. There's a sweet moment at the end when Mom snuggles up to Dad. In the thumbnail for the video, Mom and Dad are both talking. (2:28)
There's a pretty big size difference between the two White-bellied Sea Eagle chicks. SE15 is in front of SE16.
The babies are starting to take an interest in what is beyond the nest.
These babies are too big to brood, but they can still snuggle...
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