Monday, September 21, 2015

White-bellied Sea Eagles Day 47, Loch of the Lowes Osprey FR3 and FR4 Are On The Move!

The White-bellied Sea Eagle chicks are like two peas in a pod!

SE16 on the left is standing and SE15 on the right is sitting.

They don't stay in the nest bowl any more for feedings. They crowd the parent, both trying to get bites.

SE15 was doing some serious wingercizing and only barely staying upright. I'll feel better when these babies are more sure-footed.

Both chicks are standing in this s'cap. SE16 in the back is starting to have a more upright posture, while SE15 is still bent over while standing.

The Loch of the Lowes Osprey FR3 and FR4 are both on the move! FR3 has spent a long time in France, and is finally moving south (1222 miles). Still in France, but moving south! FR4 is now in Gambia (3272 miles).

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