Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Disappearing Bald Eagle Nest, Update on a Bald Eagle's Bad Landing, Kentucky Bald Eagle Numbers, Off-Topic: Movie Score Web Site

A Bald Eagle nest has completely disappeared. The land-owner thinks the birds dismantled the nest themselves. But the Game Commission wonders what happened and offers a couple of other ideas. It's an interesting article -- read it here.

I blogged about the Bald Eagle that had a bad landing. I found an article today that includes more details about the rescue and includes two pictures. All I can say is... Wow!

Kentucky Bald Eagle numbers are soaring. This article includes a Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources map that generally shows where the nests are located. If you go looking for a nest, keep in mind that eagles are sensitive during the nesting season. If you want to observe an active nest, please keep a good distance so you don't disturb nesting activities. A nest can fail if humans disturb the eagles.

This is not eagles or nature. But a friend-at-work's husband has a movie rating site. I'm always looking for good movies and this site is pretty neat! So I'm sharing the link! (I've already got some movies on my 'to watch' list...)

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