Friday, March 20, 2015

Berry College Eagles Day 35&37, Recovery Of Bald Eagle Camellia's Transmitter

A few s'caps from the Berry College nest today. (There were a lot of food deliveries to the nest today. I saw a coot, a squirrel, and two fish. It takes a lot of food to keep these growing chicks well fed!) This first s'cap looks like they are sharing secrets. The wing and tail feathers show the older chick to be on the left.
Older chick is still on the left in this s'cap. I'm starting to think the older is a male and the younger is a female. We'll have to wait to see how big they grow.

Dirty beak reminds me of a kid with chocolate smears around the mouth while denying getting into the candy. "I didn't eat any of that coot!"

Mom is standing on what's left of the coot. There's a fish at 12 o'clock and a squirrel at 7 o'clock with a fish on its face.

It started to rain and the chicks were trying to get under the Mom-brella. They don't quite fit any more... Mom was very patient as they jostled her and each other while trying to fit. Too cute! Older chick is on the left.

Bald Eagle Camellia's transmitter has been recovered. The straps were broken, either by Camellia or from age/wear. Here's Reese's blog entry about it with pictures.

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