Monday, May 11, 2015

Berry College Eagles Day 87&89 Fledge Watch Continues & Three Videos

The fledgling hasn't returned to the nest yet. I'll be surprised if we don't see it tomorrow. The parents may be feeding it where it's perched. But it should be returning to the nest soon for food deliveries. Then going out during the day to practice flying and landing and learning to forage from its parents.

I've got three videos from today of the Berry College Eaglet that hasn't fledged yet. The eaglet had me on the edge of my seat with my heart in my throat for this first one. It was so windy at the nest and the eaglet was enjoying the feel of the wind on its wings -- it was actually flying around the nest. I was scared that the wind was going to blow it out past the nest while it was catching such big air. This is the s'cap I used for the video thumbnail. Look at how far off the nest its feet are! It was actually flapping and flying around in the space above the nest:

Here's the video of the eaglet Stunt Flying In The Nest (2:21):

Later, I caught some smooth moves by the eaglet. I don't know if it had an itchy butt or what. But it was pretty funny. Here's the Smooth Moves video (1:04):
 It is so much easier to show some things with videos than with s'caps. Here's the eaglet that hasn't fledged yet doing a crash landing into the nest. It mush have been really hungry... Here's the s'cap used for the video thumbnail.
Looks like it's going over the side, right? Here's the Crash Landing video so you can see what happened... (4:07):

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