Friday, April 4, 2014

Southwest Florida Bald Eagle Fledges On Day 100, Berry College Eaglet Day 41, Two Harbors, White Rock, and Hays Bald Eagle Nests, Bald Eagle NX Checked In

The headline today has to go to the 100 day old Southwest Florida Fledgling! Yes, I said Fledgling! Check out this fantastic video of the first flight (and rough landing). It would be handy if they could learn to land before learning to fly...

Today is day 41 for the Berry College Eaglet. I think I got some pretty good captures today. We had a stick delivery:

The chick had to duck to keep from getting a stick to the head while the perfect spot was found for the stick:

I finally caught one of these stretches when the eaglet was holding at the deepest part of the stretch. You can tell by the foot which way it's facing, so it's bent way over. That must feel really good, because they do it a lot.

I mentioned that they do this stretch a lot... It immediately turned to the side and did the same stretch.

Here's a good look at the tail feathers:

Then the chick decided to help with the stick work. Even the chick knows that we need more guard rails!

Here's why we need more guard rails. The baby was scootching around and scootched backwards:

As if that wasn't bad enough, it scootched back some more... And I got scared...
And then it did a really precarious looking turn/wing flap and ended up here and I could breathe again.
It was a bit windy, so there was some snuggling:
Here's a look at the feathers coming in. The light grey patches are getting fewer and fewer:
Standing up to get some food:
I love seeing the feathers coming off the edges of the wings. I can really see how much they have grown in.
 I'm not sure what's going on here...
The only other nests I had a chance to get a look at during the daylight are the Two Harbors and White Rock nests. I saw the chick at the Two Harbors nest with some nice evening sun shining on Mom:
At the White Rock nest there are still two eggs. Sunset is coming:
It was after dark, but I decided to look in on the Hays nest anyway. And I got a look at the babies. They must have been playing rough under Mom, because she was pretty restless:

Bald Eagle NX checked in. She's not far from her release site.

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