And then the Blue Jay came back. These next 5 s'caps are the eaglet's reaction to the Blue Jay's dive-bombs.
Another close-up!
Just hanging out. Literally!
There wasn't much happening at the Hays nest today. But at least they weren't all asleep...
Big wing stretch.
I got a good look at the Two Harbors chick's wing bling. First we have a leg sticking out.
Then a wing stretch.
Then a look at the "43" on her marker.
It was another beautiful day at the White Rock nest.
Mom shade! And look at how closely she is keeping an eye on the area surrounding the nest.

Here's a good look at the two babies. They still look pretty close in size.
I took a look at the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Loch of the Lowes Osprey nest this morning. No signs of hatching yet. First she was facing this way.
Then she turned when I wasn't looking...
And then, she did it again! Darn it!
This is either a nap, or a really, really long blink...
This is full-on asleep. Sweet dreams...
Bald Eagle NX checked in today, almost two weeks since her last check-in. In honor of the two year anniversary of her most recent release, they have posted a map of all of her travels.
A lot of us (including myself) missed the fledging of the Berry College Bluebird. My friend sent a link to a video of the event. Yay! In the video, Mom feeds something to the baby (that part is a bit off-cam), then the baby poops in the corner (so cute!), Mom takes the poop-packet (not so cute!) and leaves the nest. Then the baby follows. I'm so glad I got to see this video since I missed it live. Thanks Diane!
I mentioned in a previous post about the collapse of the Jordon Lake Bald Eagle nest. Dr. Scott is treating the eaglet that was injured when it fell from the nest. He will be holding a Q&A session tomorrow at 3:00PM eastern time. Go to this link if you'd like to participate or observe.
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